This website is all about our baby girl Monica Elouise Castle, who was born at 28 weeks gestation weighing just 1.27Kg (2.79lbs or 2 lbs, 12 oz). .
We are creating this web-site so our friends and family can keep up-dated with Monica’s progress and so we can show them how proud we are of our little girl.
As soon as she was born, Monica was rushed up to the neonatal unit. It was not for a few hours that I was able to go up and see her (her mum was still bed bound after the op). After our previous experience, this was, I guess, the most nerve wracking time of all. But when I saw her for the first time and although she had the CPAP tubes attached and a cannula for IV/Antibiotics, I couldn't believe how well she looked.
She was wriggling and going all red but she was crying and I was told that she was doing really well so far. Relaying that news to her mum was such a huge relief.

Overlooking our precious little girl at 3am (nearly 5 hours old)

Daddy and Monica (14:34) (Held her hand through her 24 hour 'birthday' too :-) )

Mummy's first photo with Monica (16:35)
Monica and Mummy. Our little girl was so red during the first hours.
Continue to Day 2