Monica - Week 7
We can't believe how fast the time is flying and how quickly Monica is progressing, but we are still cautious in getting to each and every milestone. One of the doctors actually said "why is this one still here?" to the other staff when referring to Monica which is cautiously encouraging. The nurses pointed out that Monica was still being tube fed until "normal" feeding had been properly established. We'll very soon be graduating from the Pampers Micro nappies to the next size up!!
Of course as with these things there are always ups and downs. Monica had quite a bad day today (Tuesday 3rd Feb) which started with a routine eye test for ROP (Retinopathy of prematurity). After the test (which we are informed is particularly nasty and stressful), Monica was desaturating all day and had another bradycardia episode when mum was trying to feed her. She was quite clearly very distressed but we're hoping that she will be fine again by the morning. She looks at you with such a sad face when she is not happy. Unfortunately we're told that protocol dictates that she has to have a repeat of the ROP test in 2 weeks time :-(
One of the first reactions of the doctors to Monica's desaturations was to recommend more blood tests but Marie managed to stall them on that and requested that they wait until tomorrow to see if Monica improves overnight. Unfortunately though, Monica is now back on Oxygen with tubes running to her nose. Mum said she exhibited quite a level of annoyance at this and promptly tried to rip both the oxygen and feeding tubes off and very nearly succeeded. She had to have a pair of mittens on for her own sake although I'm not sure she understands where her beautiful hands have gone as she did look a little puzzled at times. On the plus side though, today's events didn't seem to put her off her milk too much :-) (although it did take a lot longer to feed her than normal).
Update: We're told the results of the ROP test are fine but Monica will still need the next test in 2 weeks time. Monica had a much much much better day today (Wed 4th Feb) and only had a few fleeting desaturations. She has been off the oxygen since about 5pm but still has the oxygen tubes just incase. We arrived in the hospital to find the doctors doing an ultrasound brain scan which was a bit scary but we were informed that it was routine and then at the end we were told that everything was ok. Monica was weighed overnight and has put on the most weight she has ever put on.... She is up by 225grams to 2.645Kg which is 5 lb 13 oz !!!! Monica's hemoglobin levels are also now up to a more acceptible value since the blood transfusion. So a great day all round :-)
Monica is starting to look more and more like a full term baby, albeit a bit smaller all round.

Monica sunbathing blissfully oblivious to the snow and chaos outside. We had to stay in a hotel nearby the hospital to ensure the little ones milk supply route was kept open.

Monica after her ROP Eye test (at 35 weeks gestation) and laying on her special "head shaping" pillow. We're not quite sure why they ruffled her hair up.
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