Unfortunately I've not seen our little girl for a week as I've had to stay at home as I've had a cold (wouldn't have been too wise to wipe out half the babies in the unit by visiting).
I left the camera with mum, but whilst mummy is an amazing photographer the camera just hasn't been up to scratch this week. Hopefully there will be a couple of usable shots but if not I'm sure the camera will be feeling a lot better in the coming week so we'll be able to get back on track with some photos and videos :P
Monica is really doing well, the staff in the unit keep commenting on her progress and whilst we do not want to get carried away we're sooooo pleased. I can't wait to see her again tomorrow (after getting my car towed to the garage, unfortunately someone drove into it whilst it was parked outside the hospital on my first visit after having the cold and to top it off, a traffic warden then slapped a ticket on it... on New Years Day for goodness sake!). The staff in the unit have again mentioned transferring Monica to a hospital closer to home, so we'll be visiting the Neonatal unit there asap.
Monica hasn't been back on the CPAP since I last posted which is absolutely superb and way more than we could ever have hoped for at this stage (it basically means she is breathing fine by herself without getting into any difficulty and without any need for a machine to help with the air pressure). I guess we'll never know if it was the steriods that did the trick or whether her little lungs were mature enough anyway, but either way we're very very thankful. It is certainly heartbreaking to see some of the other poor tots having trouble breathing or forgetting to breathe.
Monica watching mummy the movie director
Monica 9 days Old. They removed the feeding tube from her mouth and put it via her nose instead. We saw her little chin for the first time and mummy noted that she didn't have a little dimple in her chin.

She certainly sleeps a lot as can be expected as she's still only 30 weeks really.

10 Days old :-) We think she's now putting on some weight but won't know for sure until Sunday which is when they weigh all the babies in the unit.
Continue to Day 12