Monica - Day 13
We were warned right from day one to be prepared for setbacks and I guess it was day 13. Monica has been fine with her breathing and with her Oxygen saturation since she has been off the CPAP but she has had a few desaturation incidents today which means that her breathing has slowed a bit too much and as a result the oxygen in her blood was a little on the low side. We'd noticed that all the other babies in the unit do this from time to time and need a bit of stimulating to get them to breathe a bit more, but we'd been quietly pleased that Monica had been fine. We hadn't realised that Monica had done this a few times throughout the night so it was a bit of a panic when the monitors / alarms started going off, although the staff didn't seem too worried. Apparently this is very common in early babies as they grow as their lungs have to work hard to keep up with their growing bodies; at least this is what another mum in the unit was told.... we've not managed to speak to a doctor about it yet. Apart from this Monica had a cuddle with both mummy and daddy today which is a first, although Mummy was a little upset to see Monica's finger up her nose for the first time ever - hehe.

Monica with her finger up her nose, much to mummy's dismay.

We think she has put on some weight but won't know for sure until tomorrow
Daddy's second cuddle

Daddy with his little miracle.
Continue to Day 14