Monica - Day 24
Monica has been given the all clear, their tests confirm that she didn't bring any germs / bugs into the hospital so she does not have to be in isolation anymore!! :-( She has been moved to another side room though so there is still some privacy which is good, but this time there is another (currently empty) incubator in there at the moment.
Monica's feeds have now been increased again as she has put on quite a bit of weight during the last week. She is now a huge 1.6Kg (3.52 Lbs / 3 lbs, 8 oz) which is absolutely brilliant and she certainly feels a lot less fragile now (but we're still ultra careful with her nevertheless). She will continue to be fed through the tube in her nose until she learns to co-ordinate swallowing her milk herself.

Mark with Monica

She is very camera shy is our Monica.

They have now started letting her sleep on her back part of the time, although she always seems to manage to wriggle down to the bottom of the incubator. Looking at this photo she is almost unrecognisable from when she was 5 days old. We're so proud of her.
Monica doing her morning exercises.
Continue to Day 26